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Price: $4.34

Commonly found when milling herbs native to Draenor.

Price: $11.03

Price: $4.34

You have a good chance to roll 100 in the near future.

Price: $16.61

You have many hidden talents. You will gain more with experience.

Price: $136.91

You'll never know until you loot.

Price: $33.30

Stay away from mystery meat.

Price: $13.17

Your greatest fortune is in the friends you have. Especially tanks.

Price: $641.04

Your outlook looks bright, unless you run into Deathwing.

Price: $13.97

You might have better luck with another fortune.

Price: $286.57

The spirit refuses to leave the mortal plane, and will bind itself to items of great power.

Price: $43.90

Price: $4.34

Price: $3.90

Price: $4.34

Price: $10.58

Rarely found when milling herbs native to Pandaria.

Price: $10.89

Keystone that can complete Nerubian archaeology artifacts with missing fragments.

Price: $12.26

Price: $7.82

Sold by Yasmin in Uldum.

Price: $6.85

A skilled craftsman could fashion this into materials of creation.

Price: $7.00